Riddim Driven: “Engine 54 and Humanity Riddims,” produced by Lloyd Campbell
The “Riddim Driven: Engine 54 and Humanity” is a various-artist compilation, which gathers 2 Reggae riddims, produced by Lloyd Campbell.The first riddim, “Engine 54 Riddim,” is a remake of the 1968 Rocksteady’s single of The Ethiopians “Engine 54,” produced by Garnet Hargreaves.The second, “Humanity Riddim,” is a remake of the 1979’s riddim of Prince Lincoln Thompson & The Royal Rasses‘s song “Humanity.”The compilation sounds pretty nice, and cheerful overall. It features Sanchez, Glen Washington, Freddie McGregor, Wayne Wade and many more.The VP Records‘ “Riddim Driven” series includes more than a 100 riddims. It’s a must-have in your Reggae music collection. So make sure you get this issue if you don’t have it yet. Do not hesitate to leave a comment below, and let us know what you think of this compilation.